professional development travel assistance

Individual members of the ASA can access the PDTA grant for archival professional development opportunities.

Professional Development Travel Assistance

Purpose: To assist current ASA individual members who wish to attend meetings, conferences, and workshops related to archival activities.


The following criteria are used to establish funding priorities:

• Conferences, workshops or seminars that relate directly to archives;

• Conferences, workshops or seminars that relate indirectly to archives (records management, library science, museum science, historical or other allied professions)

Use of Grant:

Transportation expenses, accommodation, and meals. PDTA grants are based on a cost-sharing principle and are not designed to fully support attendance at conferences, seminars or workshops.


$4,000 available per membership year. Funding may be allocated to specific events, such as the annual ACA conference.


Applicants must be current ASA individual members residing in Alberta (or those whose permanent address is in Alberta).

• Pre-approval is required for all professional development opportunities to be eligible for funding. A completed pre-approval form must be received a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the event.

• The maximum funding available per application is 50% of actual registration (2022-23 only) and travel costs.

• Expenses will be paid at the rates indicated on the current application form. Expenses for methods of transportation other than vehicles will be based on actual costs.

• Receipts must be submitted for all expenses with the exception of transportation by private vehicle.

• Grants will be paid after the completion of the activity and upon submission of receipts within thirty (30) days of the completion of the event.

Applicants are required to submit a short narrative report outlining the benefit of the professional development opportunity. Consisting of approximately 250 words, the report will include a summary of the professional development experience and its value to the applicant and his/her institution. Selected narratives may be printed in the ASA Newsletter.

Individual members may be eligible for more than one travel assistance grant to a maximum of $750.00 per membership year per member.

Preference will be given to domestic professional development opportunities.


A completed pre-approval form must be received a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the event.  Grant Report form should be submitted together with original receipts within thirty (30) days of the completion of the event.

PDTA grant pre-approval form 

  grant report form

Note: To ensure that applicants understand the Education and Travel Grant Program policies, they must consult the Education and Travel Grant Program Policies before applying.


To support a graduate student in an archival studies program who is a resident of Alberta.

Education Program Travel Assistance

This grant can be used to support travel costs for ASA’s workshops or the Archives Institute.

ASA Conference Travel Grant

Travel expenses support for those who are attending or presenting at the ASA biennial conference.